Red Alder - Alnus rubra
DISTRIBUTION: Principally the Pacific Northwest, where it is the most abundant commercial hardwood.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Alder, a relative of birch, is almost white when freshly cut, but quickly changes with exposure to air, becoming light brown with a yellow or reddish tinge. Heartwood is formed only in trees of advanced age and there is no visible boundary between sap and heartwood. The wood is fairly straight-grained with a uniform texture.
WORKING PROPERTIES: Alder machines well and is excellent for turning. It nails, screws and glues well, and can be sanded, painted, or stained to a good finish. When stained, it blends with walnut or
cherry. It dries easily with little degrade and has good dimensional stability after drying.
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Alder is a relatively soft hardwood of medium density that has low bending strength, shock resistance, and stiffness.
AVAILABILITY: Available in dimension stock and lumber.
MAIN USES: Furniture, kitchen cabinets, doors, shutters, moulding, panel stock, turnings, carvings, and kitchen utensils.
Source American Hardwood Information Center at