White Oak - Quercus alba, spp
DISTRIBUTION: Widespread throughout Eastern U.S. The white oak group comprises many species; of which about eight are commercial.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The sapwood is light-colored and the heartwood is light-to-dark brown. White oak is mostly straight-grained with a medium-to-coarse texture. Having longer rays than red oak, white oak has more figure.
WORKING PROPERTIES: It machines well, nails and screws well, although pre-boring is advised. Due to its reaction with iron, galvanized nails are recommended. Its adhesive properties are variable. The wood dries slowly, but stains to a good finish.
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: White oak is a hard and heavy wood with a medium-bending and crushing strength, low in stiffness, but very good in steam-bending. It has great wear-resistance.
AVAILABILITY: Readily available, but not as abundant as red oak.
MAIN USES: Furniture, flooring, architectural millwork, moulding, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling, barrel staves (tight cooperage), and caskets.
Source American Hardwood Information Center at www.HardwoodInfo.com.